Customize Your Classic Furnishings!
An assortment of UltraSite thermoplastic benches, tables, and trash receptacles can be customized through one of our 3 different processes.

Punched Lettering
Space available for lettering is determined by product length.
- 6’ Bench – 11 characters including spaces
- 8’ Bench – 15 characters including spaces
- Standard lettering
- Our most cost-effective custom solution

Laser Lettering
- 6’ Bench – 15 characters including spaces
- 8’ Bench – 24 characters including spaces
- Lettering available in 6" and 3.5" sizes
- Smooth laser cut edges
- Offers greater visual impact
- Standard block lettering

Custom Logos & Lettering
Offers brand recognition by including your logo, emblem or insignia to any UltraSite classic furnishing. Contact your local UltraSite dealer to discuss the possibilities.
- Smooth laser cut edges
- Artwork is converted to an exact replica
- Customized artwork
- Brand recognition
- Customized typeface and style